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Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-06-23

Fendolite fireproofing material: parameters and standards for fire resistance Empty Fendolite fireproofing material: parameters and standards for fire resistance

Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:03 pm
The fendolite fireproofing material provides a monolithic coating that can withstand the thermal shocks commonly encountered in intense hydrocarbon fires. Therefore, this is considered an effective fire protection solution in steel structure works. Let's take a closer look at the specifications and industry standards that demonstrate this material's excellent fire resistance.

Fendolite fireproofing material: parameters and standards for fire resistance 770c44542a7427611482dc44e673abf2

Industry standards demonstrate the effectiveness of fendolite fireproofing in buildings
With many outstanding advantages such as excellent resistance to fire, thermal shock and impact resistance, fendolite fireproofing material has been and is the first choice in improving the service life and protecting outdoor steel structures. This material has the following basic properties:

Color and Finish: Matte White, solid, can be used as spray or plaster.
Minimum actual thickness: 8mm without reinforcement, 15mm with reinforcement
Theoretical coverage: 62m²/ton at 25mm. thickness
Initial setup: 2 to 6 hours at 20°C and 50% RH
Density: 775kg/m² ± 15% (when dry and in place)
Flammability: Non-flammable according to BS476
Smoke generation ability: Does not contribute to smoke generation
Thermal conductivity: 0.19 W/mK at 20 °C
Corrosion resistance: Slows down the corrosion of steel. However, a primer base coat should be used for long-term corrosion protection, especially when the structure is in full contact with the elements.
pH value: 12.0-12.5
Sound absorption capacity: Noise reduction factor (NRC) 0.35

Concrete and steel structures protected with fireproofing paint have undergone extensive fireproofing tests at approved independent laboratories to internationally recognized standards, including:

UK Standard BS 476
German DIN 4102 fireproof standard
International Standard ISO 834
Dutch standard, RWS on fire test procedure for GT-98036. tunnel
Hydrocarbon Modified HCM fireproof standard of France
The Italian UNI 11076 standard
American standard ASTM E119, UL263 and UL1709 for the rapid-fire test.

Along with the basic properties, industry tests for fire resistance have shown the excellent performance of fendolite in different test environments. As a result, it is widely believed to be applied in many industries such as petrochemicals, power plants, nuclear, tunnels. If you are looking for a highly effective and cost-effective fireproofing solution, fendolite will be a "candidate" worth considering. In addition, do not forget to find yourself a professional and reputable fire protection construction team.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2022-01-06
Age : 34

Fendolite fireproofing material: parameters and standards for fire resistance Empty Re: Fendolite fireproofing material: parameters and standards for fire resistance

Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:09 am
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