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Metal coating - Paint FEVE: The ultimate protective coating applied in many fields Empty Metal coating - Paint FEVE: The ultimate protective coating applied in many fields

Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:00 pm
Metal coating, FEVE paint is the most widely applied construction protection solution. Because the works need to resist the factors that cause abrasion, corrosion and changes in weather.
Metal coating - Advantages of FEVE paint in corrosion protection for structures
Metal coating - Paint FEVE: The ultimate protective coating applied in many fields 297477009e2294667b636d2515b40f5a
Metal coating, FEVE (Fluoroethylene Vinyl Ether) is a next-generation fluoropolymer coating technology used for architectural, construction, and protective coatings in the aerospace sector. This paint is also used in industrial and automotive maintenance.
Notes when choosing FEVE paint coating:
  • The ability to easily apply to any surface.
    Time and method of re-maintenance
    The ability to maintain color and gloss
    Mechanical protection power
    Weather resistance
    Durability over time

Metal coating FEVE paint brings outstanding advantages to projects. FEVE-based coatings help prevent structural deterioration from physical impact and environmental factors. Coatings reduce maintenance costs because the building is fully protected, with less damage. This paint is also resistant to UV rays and knocks. Thanks to that, the structure of the factory and the building can prolong its life.

In addition, FEVE powder coating has high flexibility. When using FEVE resin paint, it is possible to add the hydroxyl functional group polyester resin to the formulations to improve the coating value. When combined with other resins, FEVE powder coating will deliver to rigorous specifications for durability.

Because it is manufactured on the basis of FEVE resin, this paint has good adhesion, aesthetics and high durability. Paint can be applied to indoor and outdoor structures because of its ability to adapt to all environmental conditions. FEVE paint can be applied on a variety of materials such as steel, aluminum, copper, concrete, plastic, zinc and other metals.

In short, metal coating, FEVE paint is loved for its many outstanding features. Hope you can understand more about this type of building protection through the information above.
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